import {BoatRace, Race} from "./day_six"; describe('Day Six', () => { const input = `Time: 7 15 30 Distance: 9 40 200`; it.each([ [[7, 9], 4], [[15, 40], 8], [[30, 200], 9], [[71530, 940200], 71503] ])('should calculate that race %s could be won %s different ways', (race, expected) => { const boatRace = new BoatRace(input); expect(boatRace.numberOfWinningMethods(race as Race)).toEqual(expected); }); it('should calculate the total number of winning methods', () => { const boatRace = new BoatRace(input); expect(boatRace.totalNumberOfWaysToBeatRace()).toEqual(71503); }) });