import {getFurthestDistance, tilesContained} from "./day_ten"; describe('Day Ten', () => { it.each([ [`..... .S-7. .|.|. .L-J. .....`, 4], [ `-L|F7 7S-7| L|7|| -L-J| L|-JF`, 4], [`..F7. .FJ|. SJ.L7 |F--J LJ...`, 8] ])('should calculate the number of steps to the exit', (input, expected) => { const result = getFurthestDistance(input); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); describe('Part Two', () => { it.each([ ['.....\n' + '.S-7.\n' + '.|.|.\n' + '.L-J.\n' + '.....', 1], ['...........\n' + '.S-------7.\n' + '.|F-----7|.\n' + '.||.....||.\n' + '.||.....||.\n' + '.|L-7.F-J|.\n' + '.|..|.|..|.\n' + '.L--J.L--J.\n' + '...........\n', 4], ['.F----7F7F7F7F-7....\n' + '.|F--7||||||||FJ....\n' + '.||.FJ||||||||L7....\n' + 'FJL7L7LJLJ||LJ.L-7..\n' + 'L--J.L7...LJS7F-7L7.\n' + '....F-J..F7FJ|L7L7L7\n' + '....L7.F7||L7|.L7L7|\n' + '.....|FJLJ|FJ|F7|.LJ\n' + '....FJL-7.||.||||...\n' + '....L---J.LJ.LJLJ...', 8], ['FF7FSF7F7F7F7F7F---7\n' + 'L|LJ||||||||||||F--J\n' + 'FL-7LJLJ||||||LJL-77\n' + 'F--JF--7||LJLJ7F7FJ-\n' + 'L---JF-JLJ.||-FJLJJ7\n' + '|F|F-JF---7F7-L7L|7|\n' + '|FFJF7L7F-JF7|JL---7\n' + '7-L-JL7||F7|L7F-7F7|\n' + 'L.L7LFJ|||||FJL7||LJ\n' + 'L7JLJL-JLJLJL--JLJ.L', 10] ])('should count the number of tiles fully contained within the loop', (input, expected) => { // const result = tilesContained(input); const result = tilesContained(input); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }) }); });